Job Details

Job ID: 3101

Type: Physicians

State: FL

Area: Southwest Florida


Description: Preventive Medicine opportunity that focuses on functional-based medicine including imaging/genetic/blood-related diagnostics and biometric/preventive screenings for private pay patients; "We seek to extend member healthspan by using a foundation of "functional medicine-based protocols" plus an annual 150 Gb "Upload" of imaging, genetic and blood-related diagnostics. Our goal is to reliably predict future disease, and to detect any such disease at the earliest moment possible, thereby stopping and ultimately reversing its progression, returning our member to peak performance.We seek to extend member healthspan by using a foundation of "functional medicine-based protocols" plus an annual 150 Gb "Upload" of imaging, genetic and blood-related diagnostics. Our goal is to reliably predict future disease, and to detect any such disease at the earliest moment possible, thereby stopping and ultimately reversing its progression, returning our member to peak performance.employed position with competitive salary based on experience and complete benefit package

Community/Facility info:

Contact: For more information please contact Ben Ferro at [email protected] or call 716-689-6000.

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